A Foot Zoning School
Sole To Soul
Join our course to become a fully-certified Foot Zoner. In our course you will learn to offer balance to the body through physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual support. You will be proficient in guiding others toward optimal health and wellness through the ancient practice of Foot Zone Therapy.
Want to receive your own Foot Zone?
Our mission...
We have joined with The Foot Zoning school to offer the best education in the area of Foot Zoning. Our mission is to empower every home with the tools that Foot Zoning can offer through education, an extensive video library, and meaningful class connections.
What is Foot Zoning?
The purpose of the foot zone is to bring balance and alignment to all four bodies: Emotional, Physical, Mental, and Spiritual. The zone accesses the body through a map on the feet. It has the ability to tap into a series of 200+ organ and system access points.
Meet Kelley...
Kelley is our Arizona instructor. She is an Integrative Health Practitioner and loves all things health and wellness. She has a 4-year-degree from Brigham Young University in Dance, and Health and Wellness. She is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner. Kelley is also a certified Foot Zoner, and a Group Fitness Instructor. She is currently a practitioner at Thrive Family Wellness. Her main love is being a wife, a mom of 6, and a grandma to 3. Her passion is helping others learn how to support the body in optimal wellness.
Kelley McCormick
Owner of Sole to SOul Foot Zoning School